Hendersonville, NC Photography | A Year in Review
2015 A Year of Stories
As this year comes to a close we are so humbled by all of the lives we were invited in to, all of the stories that we have heard, and all of the stories we had the privilege to help tell.
The stories that make up each one of our client’s lives, from their most joyous days, the laughter, the smiles, stories of people who have dealt with loss, those who have welcomed new family members, couples ready to start their life together and looking to the future with excitement. Seniors with endless opportunities in front of them, answered prayers in the form of sweet babies, new adoptions, relationships that were dreams come true, and families celebrating life together. We’ve heard over and over how God has worked in the lives of our precious clients this year and as we scroll through each photo we see each one as a manifesto to God’s goodness and we give Him all of the glory.
We have loved each and every moment, every client turned friend, every time we were able to press the shutter button and capture a moment in time.
This blog is dedicated to our amazing clients. Each one of you inspire us to keep following our dreams!
As we look into 2016 we cannot wait to see all of the adventures the next year holds!
We hope you enjoy some of our favorite pictures of 2015 and probably one of our longest blog posts to date. As a special treat, we added some behind the scenes photo’s from our amazing sessions and weddings. They are sure to make you smile and probably laugh out loud! Enjoy!
And now for a peek of what it is like behind all of the pretty pictures and what we do to get the perfect shot!
Haha! I think it’s safe to say our brides like it when we “fluff” their dresses!
When we just aren’t tall enough……
Rain boots were one of our best investments this year!!!
Meghan: “Hey, Nidia can I stand in the bathtub?”
Nidia: “Sure!”
Meghan: “Thanks!”
(It was so worth it!)
Micaela walking with her invisible friend! Just kidding, she is demonstrating how to walk across the street!
“Snow” exit? Yes, please!
This year one of our biggest advenures was photographing our best friend’s wedding… while being bridesmaids!!
No, those flowing veil shots don’t always happen by themselves!
This shot always makes us smile! Juan and Nidia had a very famous music entertainer at their wedding and needless to say, everyone got super excited when they found out he was there!!
Off to the first look!
We will stand on anything to get the shot!
That massive rain shower that happened during Meghan Woods’ session gave us some amazing puddles to end the session with!
Micaela the dress carrier!